Competition Promotion Division
ACT, NO.9 OF 2003
PART 111
- Clause 34.
- The authority may either of its own motion or on a complaint or request made to it by any person, any organization of consumers or an association of traders. Carry out an investigation with respect to the prevalence of any anti-competitive practices.
- It shall be the duty of the Authority to complete an investigation under subsection (1) within one hundred days of its initiation.
- Clause 35.
For the purpose of section 34, an anti-competitive practice shall be deemed to prevail, where a person in the course of business, pursues a course of conduct which of itself or when taken together with a course of conduct pursued by person associated with him, has or is intended to have or is likely to have the effect of restricting, distorting or preventing competition in connection with the production, supply or acquisition of goods in Sri Lanka or the supply or securing of services in Sri Lanka.
Consumer Affairs Authority is empowered by Section 34 of the Act No. 09 of 2003 to carry out investigation with respect to the prevalence of anti- competitive practice.
The CAA invites representations where a person in the course of business, pursues a course of conduct which of itself or when taken together with a course of conduct pursued by persons associated with him, has or is intended to have or is likely to have the effect of restricting, distorting or preventing competition in connection with the production, supply or acquisition of goods in Sri Lanka or the supply or securing of services in Sri Lanka .Where the anti competition situation in question may operate against the public interest, any association, business concern or person interested may make representations in this connection to the CAA.
Anti-Competitive Practices
Procedure adopted by the Authority in handling a Complaint on Anti-Competitive Practices

Where the application is made to the Council as the case may be, it shall be the duty of the Council to make its order in respect of anti-competitive practices on the parties concerned for the termination of such anti-competitive practices if it is against the PUBLIC INTEREST on such application after an inquiry. For the purpose of investigations the Authority has the powers of a District Court.